Registration is due Friday, March 8th.

We cannot accept late registrations, due to the amount of planning required for this program.

Do you need childcare for the upcoming half day scheduled for Wednesday, March 13th? Look no further and consider this action packed program. Kids will participate in a ton of game challenges that are to be completed within a minute. Some games include: stack attack, balloons up, scoop it up, movin’ on up, junk in the trunk, pong tac tow, sort it out, floatacious, lucky charms, wheel of a deal, paddle poppers, whack attack and tons more! Kids will participate in individual challenges as well as team challanges. None of these challenges are physically taxing. They are so much fun!!

**Please pack your child a lunch and a nut free snack to enjoy! **

Facilitators: Julie Felo and Julie Lee

Dates: Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Time: 11:45 – 4:00pm (upon request, extended care is available for an additional fee and only until 5:00pm)

Place: Berlin Memorial School Gymnasium

Cost: $50

What to Pack: Lunch for your child and a nut free afternoon snack

What to Wear: Sneakers

Registration deadline: March 8th

Register by: Filling out form the emergency contact form that was sent home with your child. If you previously filled out an emergency contact form this year for a LINK afterschool program, you do not need to fill out another form. Send the form and payment (cash or check made out to LINK, inc.) to school in an envelope marked “Minute to Win It program”.